Re-purposing webinars with an online video education platform

Problem: This client was running monthly product update webinars, to keep their sales team up to date with their product range. Their staff are geographically scattered around Australia, and much of the workforce is part time. They have been recording the webinars so they are available to everyone,  but they quickly learned no one had been watching them. So the client wanted to use an online video education platform to deliver the recorded webinars, in a more interactive way.

Solution: The client investigated a number of online video education platforms, and found VidVersity was the one that ticked all their boxes. Some of their key requirements that VidVersity was able to deliver on were:

  • they needed to be able to deliver in their existing LMS using SCORM;
  • they need the videos to be hosted in a secure environment – VidVersity hosts all their content in AWS;
  • they need the hosting and delivery included in the price so they could clearly budget the entire project;
  • they needed an editing tool that was was easy to use;
  • they need to make the videos more engaging by breaking into chunks and adding additional content such as links to products updates.

This client has been uploading their recorded webinars ( in MP4 format) and uploading to VidVersity. Then using VidVersity they have been editing the recording, breaking into chunks, adding quizzes, adding links to key documents and publishing in their LMS using SCORM. They said for each webinar that is recorded it takes about 1 hour to have it edited and published. They are not only getting great feedback from the staff, they are getting great data from their LMS on who has been viewing, which chapters they have viewed.

Written by Natalie Wieland former lawyer who has worked in Learning and Development for 15 years and is the co-founder of VidVersity.