Using interactive video to create follow-up material for learners to revisit

When building training so much time is spent preparing the material, designing the content and the actual delivery. One key part of learning is the learner needs to be able to revisit the material and this opportunity in the learning cycle is often neglected. Interactive video can be a powerful way to increase the learning ‘stickiness”.

Associate Professor Chantal Morton from the Melbourne Law School recently spoke at the Continuing Legal Education Conference (October 2019) about the key ingredients that make up learning in her talk A recipe for CPD, and one of those key ingredients is for the learners to be able to revisit the content post the teaching.

This video by Natalie Wieland who teaches at the Melbourne Law School and also is one of the founders of VidVersity ( an online video course platform) talks about why creating material for the learner to revisit the content and also how creating interactive video using the Vidversity online video course platform can be so effective.

For more information about using interactive video in teaching click here.